Beyond Our Expectations


Have you met the interns yet? They're pretty amazing. The following post is from Kristin Caldwell. She's a graduate of Central Washington University and is becoming an expert at navigating public transportation in the city. 

It's the end of week one and already God has done amazing things at Georgetown. We've given out tons of free food, passed out hundreds of flyers, and had conversations with lots of students. And God has blessed these seemingly small acts abundantly.

Wednesday night was the first Open Table of the semester. (Open Table is the name of our weekly large group gathering) We went into it having no idea what to expect. At last year's first Open Table, there was the highest ever attendance with 27 new students. The year before that, it was the lowest. However, at 8 o'clock that night, 75 students crammed into our newer, bigger meeting space--which was apparently not big enough. 42 of those students were new and over half of them are freshmen.

After some time spent getting to know each other at our tables, Jon shared about how as Christians, we are called to be ambassadors of Christ. Unfortunately, we often get caught up in our own weaknesses, fears, and pressures to be the best. When he finished speaking, Jon answered questions that had been texted in, including that of what it looks like to be Christ's ambassador at Georgetown.

The NCC band came up and led the students into a time of worship. After a couple of songs, Jon felt led to come back up and ask if there was anyone there that night who wanted to give their lives to Christ. In faith, three people responded. Two of them are freshmen who had come for the first time. All three have since made connections with leaders and are being discipled.

What happened Wednesday night was beyond anything any of us ever expected. Before the Open Table started, we prayed that every single person would leave closer to Jesus than they were than they came. For three, that meant making a decision that would radically transform their lives. Already God is doing big things on this campus.

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to take part in it.