Free Resource Friday | 9-20-13

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Today's Free Resource » Getting The Most Out of A Retreat (Blog) 

This resource was a blog post recently published by Josh Moran. He serves as the Assistant Director at UVA Chi Alpha and is an avid blogger. Some of our staff in the district are frequent readers of his blog and we found this post extremely helpful for staff and students alike. 

It's a simple post with five main ideas that will help people process and prepare for an amazing encounter at a retreat of any sort. Here's just a brief snippet below. 

1. Embrace the Community. I mean micro and macro community. More than likely you came on the retreat with your Core Group. Embrace them. Love them. Get to know them. But also get to know the entire community. Make new friends. Submit yourself to the community. I believe the community of God can do a beautiful work in a person’s life if they’ll submit to it. Yeah, they maybe wouldn’t be the friends you’d pick, but they’re probably better.

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