Free Resource Friday | 9-13-13

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We search the web high and low to bring you quality resources at the wonderful cost of $0. You can grab last week's resource here

Today's Free Resource » HD Videos

This resource has been used by Blane Young , primarily while working as the Communications Pastor at Family Life Church. He is now on staff at Chi Alpha at American University. For those that need a video background for a worship service or for announcements - these are perfect. Not only are they free (in terms of cost) but they are also royalty-free (which means that you can use them whoever you'd like without incurring any fees or breaking any laws). 

We understand. It can be so easy to get caught up in the tech/media side of ministry or ignore it altogether. So, we hope this helps! You can find 25+ videos that have a multitude of uses! 

Make sure to show off your footage to all  your friends, we promise, they'll be jealous. 

Sign Up for Free HD Footage Provided by Video Blocks

We'd love to know if this a resource that you'd consider using or have used in the past. If you have a resource you'd like to share, just email us!