Lasting Impact

This is a post by Mike Godzwa. He is the Director of Chi Alpha at American University, leads the DC Internship (CMIT) Program and also serves as a Campus Pastor at NCC. You can connect with him via twitter.  

I met with Dan early on a Tuesday morning.  It wasn’t easy rolling out of bed @ 6am, but I was still glad to do it.  Dan’s a great friend.

I was first introduced to Dan almost 10 years ago when he was a freshman at American University.  Dan came from a Christian family, but like most college students he was still developing an adult understanding of his faith.  He got plugged into Chi Alpha right away.  It was in the midst of our group that he was able to wrestle with the questions that came from living for Jesus in a secular environment.  But he found more than answers.  Dan found a loving community, incredible opportunities for ministry and before he graduated in 2007, he even found his wife. 

What I love about campus ministry is the lasting impact of the work we do.  When students begin a discipleship journey in these formative years, it develops a foundation for their entire adult lives.  Dan is now 29 years old.  He’s a new father, faithful supporter of Chi Alpha and highly involved in the discipleship ministry at his church.  It filled me with joy to hear of how he was loving his wife and son.  I loved hearing about how he was engaged in significant conversations, helping others step into the blessings of God’s kingdom and I was humbled to realize Chi Alpha played a huge part in making those things happen.  

Dan came to campus as a kid from a Christian home.  He left campus as a maturing, ministering believer determined to be a life-long follower of Jesus.  Chi Alpha really does reach students, train leaders and influence nations and there’s nothing like seeing that play life at a time.